134. Pieter Gierek

Ion Davidov (also known as Pieter Gierek) is a Romanian-born gay porn model who appears in many Eastern European productions, particularly those of Bel Ami. Ion Davidov, whose real name may be Pieter Gierek, was born on 15 December 1974 in a small town outside Bucharest, Romania. He is best-known for his appearances in Frisky Summer and Lucky Lukas. He was the middle child, having an older and younger brother. Ion's childhood was not a happy one. Growing up in the shadow of the legacy of Nicolae Ceausescu, the former Communist dictator of Romania, was difficult for Ion. Because of his appearance, having earrings and long hair, and his free spirit, Ion met hostility from police, family, and others early on. He was often harassed by authorities for daring to step outside the defined parameters of Ceausescu's Romania.
Additionally, sexuality was highly repressed in Romania, a fact that young Ion found very difficult. Any talk about sex and sexuality was a social taboo, even after Ceausescu's death. The first mention of sex in Ion's life was when he, and a few of his friends, watched an adult video together when he was about ten years old. Moreover, "until May, 1988," Davidov recalls in an interview, "it was illegal to be homosexual , and you could be jailed for it. Also, pornography was illegal until last year. It was a holdover from the Ceausescu time, which was very repressive."