
Showing posts with the label P20 million worth of tourism-related investments for 2009 in the Philippines

DOT endorses P20 million in investments

by Sheila Crisostomo http://www.philstar .com/Article. aspx?articleId= 451183&publicationSubCate\ goryId=63 The Department of Tourism (DOT) yesterday endorsed more than P20 million worth of tourism-related investments for 2009 that are expected to generate some 3,000 jobs for Filipinos. Tourism Secretary Ace Durano said these investments will also create more than 2,000 rooms, boosting efforts to promote tourism. "With this initial list of investments, the country is assured of a vibrant tourism industry, with bigger revenues and more jobs. And consequently, these will lead to developments in transportation and road infrastructure, " he said. The tourism projects include nine resorts, six hotels, two theme parts and one condotel or condominium- hotel. Durano added that for the first quarter, the establishments that opened were Park Bed & Breakfast Hotel and Restaurant (48 rooms) in Pasay; Sugihara Villa Resort, Vauban Villa Resort, Salamanca Villa Resort, Almonavide...