
Showing posts with the label Turn off lights for Earth Hour


THIS SATURDAY, 28 MARCH AT 8:30PM YOU CAN VOTE EARTH BY SWITCHING OFF YOUR LIGHTS FOR ONE HOUR -- EARTH HOUR. MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT Turn off your lights for Earth Hour, record your vote and share it with the world! Here's how. PHOTO Take a photo on the night, upload it to flickr and add it to Earth Hour's flickr group and tag it with your city and country. VIDEO Make a video of your event, upload it to YouTube and add it to our YouTube group. BLOG Write a live blog post during the event and tag it with earthhour or voteearth, and your location. TWITTER Update your Twitter on the night and write #earthhour or #voteearth and your #location in your update to tag it. 8:30pm local time, wherever you live on Planet Earth. This Saturday, 28 March 2009. Your vote counts! Vote Earth!