
Showing posts with the label Lutein


Lutein: A Powerful Antioxidant for Eye and Overall Health    Introduction  Lutein is a naturally occurring carotenoid that is essential for human health, especially in preserving eye function and overall wellness. As an antioxidant, lutein protects cells from oxidative stress, which can lead to various health issues. It is found in numerous fruits, vegetables, and supplements, and is well-known for its benefits related to vision health, skin protection, and cognitive function.    What is Lutein?  Lutein is a xanthophyll, a type of carotenoid pigment that gives certain fruits and vegetables their yellow to red colors. It is commonly found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, as well as in corn, egg yolks, and some types of squash. Unlike other carotenoids, lutein cannot be synthesized by the body, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements.    Health Benefits of Lutein  1. Supports Eye Health  Lutei...