
Showing posts with the label Cultural Exchange of Philippines and New Zealand Filipino Language Filipino second language in New Zealand Studying Filipino Language Tagalog Filipino Teachers

Filipino Language is Set to go International Part I

Philippine Star - Monday, June 23 - Rainier Allan Ronda/Philstar Presidential adviser on education Dr. Mona Valisno announced that the government of New Zealand has expressed interest in studying the Filipino language as a second language in their schools as a way to forge a broader and deeper cultural exchange with the Philippines. Valisno met and talked to New Zealand's Minister of Education Chris Carter at the 4th Asia Pacific Economic Conference Education Ministerial Meeting in Lima, Peru last June 11 to 13 and both had agreed to adopt the Filipino language as the chosen foreign language to be taught in New Zealand's schools. The 4th APEC education summit focused on international exchange in education and culture. "This is a major accomplishment for us. If we can push this through, maybe we can have other countries do the same. This will be very great for the Philippines' international relations and our image abroad," Valisno said. There are some 13,000 Filipi...