
Showing posts with the label chiselled facial structure

120. Ales Hanak

Aleš Hanák ( July 7, 1977) is a pornographic actor (porn star) hailing from the Czech Republic who has appeared in pornographic movies targeted to gay males and bisexuals, as well as erotic photography. His predominant attributes include his chiselled facial structure, sculpted physique, and his above-average penis, which is uncut and measured to be approximately 8.6 inches (21,8 centimeters) long. His position is versatile, alternating between both top and bottom. Along with his contemporary and frequent co-star, Pavel Novotný, Hanák is a member of a group of several Eastern European men to have experienced a meteoric rise in popularity in the gay porn circuit, a surge that can be accredited to the films of Eastern Europe-based directors, primarily George Duroy of Bel Ami and William Higgins. Hanák debuted in the porn industry in 1998.