
Showing posts with the label American male pornographic actor

23. Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer is the pseudonym of Troy Dean Mainwaring, born 10 November 1963 in Los Angeles, California, an American male pornographic actor. He is a muscular man with brown hair. He wears many tattoos, including a cross, and a skull. He also has the word "WHITE" on his left triceps and "POWER" on his right triceps. Some see these tattoos as ironic because he often performs in interracial pornography. Though he mostly performs with women, he has also worked in transsexual pornography and bisexual pornography. He has appeared in over 300 titles. Hammer began his pornographic career in the summer of 1995, after being paroled from prison after serving five years for armed robbery. His marriage to pornographic film actress Sweety Pie dissolved among allegations of his threatening and assaulting her, which caused him to be jailed for violating parole. In October 2001, he was sentenced to another year for leaving threatening messages for an HBO documentary producer. He wa...