Philippines to open 8 more airports by 2010
The government will be opening eight more international airports by 2010 in anticipation of the growing passenger traffic to the country, the Transportation Department said Thursday. "By 2010 the Philippines will have [more] airports of international standards to ease traffic and reduce business cost," Transportation and Communications Secretary Leandro Mendoza said during the opening of the two-day Expo on International Transportation and Logistics held at the World Trade Center. Mendoza said that this year alone three airports will be open soon and these are the controversial Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3, the Clark or Diosdado Macapagal International Airport, and the Buswanga airport scheduled to be operational in November. For 2009, Mendoza said they are looking at opening the Davao-Iloilo terminal, Silay-Bacolod airport, the Laguindingan airport and the the Panglaw airports in Bohol. Negotiations for the opening of the Zamboanga airport is also ongoing, M...