
Showing posts with the label long term complication of sunburn


SUNBURNS White sand and blue beach, nothing can beat a summer escapade under the sun. However, it’s not all too good to be under the heat for quite sometime. As we all know, the sun emits Ultraviolet (UV) rays which can cause a skin condition called sunburns. All, including dark skinned persons, are susceptible to sunburns. Sunburns appear to be red and swelling. Painful blisters may develop upon over exposure to UV rays. This usually happens if sun exposure lasted from 6 to 48 hours. After several days, your skin may begin to peel. COMMON CAUSES Ultraviolet rays are the main cause for sunburns. When the skin’s protective component, melanin, cannot anymore accommodate the amount of light exposure, sunburn then results. Light-skinned persons are more vulnerable, for they can obtain sunburns in just 15 minutes in midday sun while dark-skinned people can endure longer hours of exposure. Medical science has now accepted that sunburns are no minor health issues. There have been reports of f...