Aloe has the unique ability to help skin renew itself by stimulating cellular metabolism, thereby promoting oxygen exchange and increasing the absorption of nutrients. Aloe contains the anti-oxidant vitamins A and C; the minerals copper, selenium, and magnesium; and zinc, a powerful virus fighter.

This method is best used for more localized sunburns. Rather than cutting from the tip or half way down the stalk, cut it at its base.
Slit the stalk horizontally, exposing the gelatinous interior. Using the thickest, juiciest section for the burn, cut a piece large enough to completely cover the burn and its surrounding tissue. Place the entire piece on the area (gel and peel, gel side toward the burn).

Cover the aloe with roller gauze and surgical tape to keep it firmly in place. Leave on overnight or, if burn occurred early in the day, cut a fresh piece of aloe to make a new dressing and leave on overnight.
The remaining stalk of aloe may be wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated over night.
In the morning, cut a new piece of the refrigerated aloe to make a fresh dressing. Repeat applications twice a day until area is healed.


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