Posted by: "Desiree Segovia" http://us.mc523.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=destsegovia@yahoo.com destsegovia
Please read on...RICE ALL YOU CAN!
For the whole country, rice accounts for 41% of total caloric intake and 31% of total protein intake. However, local rice production cannot meet current demand, making the Philippines a major importer of rice. What happened to the Philippine rice? What are the challenges of the Philippine rice? What are the solutions to our rice problems?
Join the 1st Rice Expo, its all about the "Filipino" rice on July 25-27. With the theme "Philippine Rice towards Self Sufficiency" , our partners in this endeavor are the Department of Agriculture, National Food Authority, PhilRice and the Organic Alliance of the Philippines.
All best!
Desiree T. Segovia
Event Manager, 1st Rice Expo
0918-800-1728 / 0917-559-2216 /(02) 473-2537