Filipino Artists Invited To Submit Entries For The Biggest Filipino Art Exhibit in Midwest

The 2008 Beyond the Barrelman exhibition of modern Filipino art is now accepting submissions for its month-long showcase of artworks by Filipino artists from around the U.S., the Philippines and the world. The exhibition is scheduled for September 2008, at the Mercury Cafe Gallery, in Chicago.

Submission guidelines, entry forms and additional event details are available at <> . The deadline for applications is August 5, 2008.However, early jury selection of submitted artworks will begin June 20. Entries must be original paintings or photographic works executed after January 1, 2002.

The Beyond the Barrelman exhibition is a collaborative effort by three Filipino-American not-for-profit organizations: CIRCA/Pintig Theater Group, The Filipino American Network (FAN) and the Tahanan Cultural Group.

Through this exhibition, these Chicago-area groups seek to celebrate and support Filipino artists from throughout North America and the Philippines. The first Beyond the Barrelman exhibition was presented in 2005 and featured 72 artworks from 35 artists of Filipino descent. That inaugural exhibition was held at Chicago's ACME Gallery, with overflowing crowds attending both opening and closing receptions.

"Our mission for that first exhibition was to shine a spotlight on the creative talent of Filipino artists, both in the United State and abroad," said Amabel Delara, co-chair of the exhibition planning committee. "That same mission drives us today."

For the 2008 exhibition, the exhibition has moved to the much larger Mercury Cafe Gallery space in Chicago's Ukrainian Village neighborhood. The free opening reception will be held on Friday, September 5. The exhibition will close Sunday, September 28.

The exhibition accepts entries from any artist of Filipino descent at least 17 years old, regardless of current residence. Entries must be original works executed after January 1,2002, and not have been previously submitted to the Beyond the Barrelman Exhibition.

The jury panel will have final authority to define what constitutes an acceptable entry. Artists will be notified via email or phone of the jury's decision. Unless otherwise instructed by the artist, the exhibition will encourage and promote the sale of the artists' works. During the first exhibition, almost one-fifth of the exhibited artwork was sold.

Although the coalition has been planning and preparing for the exhibition for almost a year, the exhibition planning committee notes that there's still much to be done. Interested volunteers are encouraged to contact or visit the exhibition website at <>.

Contact: Rey Villar Jr. mailto:RVillar@BeyondTheBa

About CIRCA/Pintig <http://www.pintig. org/>

Pintig, meaning "pulse" in Pilipino, was founded in April 1991, with a mission to serve as a voice of the Filipino American community by engaging in active cultural work using art as a means to celebrate the community's rich history and culture. Pintig believes that a strong voice for the community can be developed through the cultural arts powerful art with a progressive agenda. Pintig develop plays that interpret our Filipino American history and experiences, conduct educational and identity workshops for the community, and engage community members to challenge injustice rather than stand silent.

About the Filipino American Network (FAN) <>

The Filipino American Network is a not-for-profit organization that calls, challenges and supports Filipino American young adults by providing resources, connections and opportunities to enrich their lives, support their growth and deepen their self-awareness of our Filipino heritage. In addition to the art exhibition, FAN also hosts the Filipino American Film Festival and other events for Chicago's Filipino American community.

About Tahanan

Tahanan Inc. is working to establish the first U.S. Philippine museum in the Chicagoland area. Tahanan hopes are to create an area with which the Filipino community can proudly identify, congregate and ultimately use as its epicenter. The group selected the name Tahanan, which translates from the Tagalog word for "home."


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