“Hello John,

My friends and I absolutely enjoyed your truly informative and fun museum tour last 07 June! One of them is leaving the country soon after her two years' stay and she will be doing so with a much deeper understanding of the Philippines and its people.

Thank you very much for taking the time to conduct these tours for our country and its heritage, and for having shared it with us as well.
Carole Lee”.

(FYI, DUE TO DEMAND, More tour dates added: August 23, 27, 30, and 31st and September 6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 24, and 27th, 2008)

If you haven't been on a tour of the National Museum, well, here's your chance. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how beautiful the museums are (the former Finance Building and the former Legislative Building) with its extensive renovation inside yet keeping with its neo-Federal Style architecture outside.

There are fifteen galleries in the Museum of the Filipino people (formerly the Finance Building) to explore our archaeological past and our anthropological present. One gallery alone, with its incredible array of anthropomorphic secondary burial jars, found just fifteen years ago, is astounding. The highlight is of course four galleries devoted to the 1994 recovery of the Spanish galleon San Diego. Its treasures give insights to the incredible 300 year trade that linked us to the Americas. We’ll also see the current temporary exhibits in the museum.

The former Legislative Building, now the National Gallery of Art, will be another formidable encounter as we journey through 200 years of Filipino arts and sculpture in seven galleries. The most spectacular sight is the gigantic and original rendering The Spoliarium by Juan Luna. We pause to learn how this masterpiece inspired our brave band of Filipino students in Madrid, including Jose Rizal, to alter their lives and helped create our nation.

John L. Silva is Senior Consultant of the National Museum and has the most fascinating stories and insights about the collection. He guides in an interesting and humorous manner, delighting and inspiring his audience to be proud of their culture and history.

A portion of the fees (700 pesos for adults, and 500 pesos for children up to 18 years) goes to John's I LOVE MUSEUM PROGRAM, bringing public school teachers to the National Museum to appreciate the arts and later bring their students. Studies show that an arts educated child has higher grades, loves reading more, and make better citizens.

Each tour is three hours in duration, beginning at 10:00 am sharp (ending at 1:00 pm) at the rear entrance of the Museum of the Filipino People, (former Finance Building) Agrifina Circle, Rizal Park. Attendees are requested to wear walking shoes (please no heels) and reservations are strongly encouraged by texting or calling John Silva at 0926 729 9029. Or him at http://us.mc523.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=jsilva79@mac.com Tour dates August 23, 27, 30, and 31st, and September 6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 24, and 27th, 2008) 2008.

An e-poster is attached, or you can check out his blog: http://johnsilva.blogspot.com/2008/06/you-don.html Please pass it on to your friends.


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